As expected, the long-term funding pledged to Haiti was not forthcoming during 2012. This trend was starkly highlighted by the United Nation’s Humanitarian Appeal (CAP) for Haiti, which ended the year only 42% funded, with a decrease in contributions from $1.1 billion in 2010 to $61 million in 2012. However, funding opportunities did gradually appear throughout the year, but at a significantly reduced level from what is needed to address the on-going needs within Haiti. Unfortunately, many programs that should have been funded for years to have a sustainable impact were instead funded for mere months. In addition, many donors are increasingly demanding greater collaboration with, and capacity building of, government agencies. However, these same donors at times remain frustrated with slow action and a lack of responsiveness on the part of government line ministries. As a result, many INGOs dramatically scaled back operations in 2012 or they have left or are leaving Haiti. Funding opportunities for Save the Children from private and Government sources continue to exist and we are confident that quality programs will receive support.
The food security situation within Haiti has deteriorated over the last year. Tropical Storm Isaac and Hurricane Sandy combined with previous drought conditions destroyed a large percentage of rural Haitian’s agricultural commodities, which they relied upon for both income and food. The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates poor rural Haitians consumed all of their remaining supplies of food as of November 2012, and over 50% of rural Haitians are currently facing acute food insecurity.
The Government of Haiti remains committed to an effort to strengthen delivery capacity throughout the country. This process however is both slow and complex given historical concentration of government as well as limited budgets and capacity for the state. While there is an expectation that the Government of Haiti will gradually increase outreach and poverty focused programs, the role of INGOs is critical not just with regards to humanitarian support but also in reaching communities and populations not currently receiving quality services from limited state programs. Save the Children will continue to work with the Government supporting joint initiatives and provide financial and technical assistance to activities that have tangible benefits for children.
The overall child rights situation has not changed considerably since the earthquake. There continue to be many cases of gender-based violence, much of which is underreported because of fear of reprisals, social stigma associated with being a rape victim, and the barriers in accessing post-rape care. The lack of resources focused on child-protection-related issues creates huge gaps in services. Also, in rural areas there is little, if any presence of the government. There have also been reported incidents of abuse of children by MINUSTAH forces, which has created tension between the Haitian public and the UN military that provide a stabilization force in Haiti.
There have been 625,899 cumulative cases of cholera, 343,604 admissions, and 7,787 deaths since the cholera epidemic began in October 2010 through December 4, 2012. The incidence of cholera continues on a general downward trajectory, though cases increased in the wake of Tropical Storm Isaac in August and Hurricane Sandy in October. Haiti’s Ministry of Health remains challenged by its responsibility to manage and coordinate the cholera response; it launched its national cholera strategy in February 2013.
The numbers of internally displaced persons from the earthquake continued to decrease throughout 2012. In December, there were 347,284 people estimated to be living in camps. This is down from 515,819 people in 698 camps in January 2012 and from 1.5 million people in 1,555 camps in May 2010.